Highland’s community pride and civic concern is evident in the many organizations active here. While “fun” is certainly part of fundraising and social events, most organizations have a decidedly philanthropic motive, working for the betterment of our community and its citizens.
There’s an organization for every interest too, whether you’re a history buff, an art lover, a gardener, or simply interested in the camaraderie of like-minded individuals, one of Highland’s many organization would be glad to welcome you as a member. |

Highland Arts Council actively promotes the ARTS in and around the community of Highland through a variety of activities and projects. The HAC provides a showcase for local artists and enriches people’s lives through educational opportunities and exposure to the ARTS. The Highland Arts Council is always looking for new and exciting ways to promote all areas of the ARTS and to provide budding artists both young and old, new and creative ways to showcase their art.
For more information on the Highland Arts Council visit their website.
For more information on the Highland Arts Council visit their website.

Highland Business & Professional Women’s Club is a member of the Illinois Federation of Business & Professional Women’s Clubs. The group is comprised of women of widely diverse backgrounds and ages who share a common goal of growth, promotion and advancement of women. The Highland BPW meets the second Monday of each month and participates in many community activities throughout the year. For more information visit their Facebook page.

Highland Garden Club was established in the summer of 2001 and is a “growing” organization of beginners, veteran home gardeners, master gardeners and professionals. Their mission is to plant the seeds of knowledge, cultivate friendships, grow in our appreciation of nature, harvest ideas and preserve the beauty of our community. The club offers monthly meetings with programs, field trips, networking, plant sales, community service, newsletter, hands-on opportunities and sharing of garden specimens. For more information visit their website.

Highland Historical Society - The Highland Historical Society was formed in 1971. Their goals are to bring together people who are interested in history, especially Highland history, to promote preservation of historical material and to preserve historical buildings, monuments and markers, to disseminate historical information and arouse interest through articles, meetings and demonstrations, etc. The Society meets the second Wednesday of January, April, July and October. Membership is $10 for individuals; $20 for families; $50 for sustaining membership, $50 for business associate and $1,000 for life membership. Membership includes a quarterly newsletter. Visit their website.

Highland Jaycees - A community organization that was founded in St. Louis, Mo., in 1920. Currently, the Jaycees are located in all 50 states and more than 100 foreign countries. The mission of the Jaycees is to provide members with leadership training through community involvement. The Highland Jaycees chapter has over 80 members that devote their time to improving the community. The Jaycees sponsor the annual Schweizerfest, Highland’s Homecoming.
Meetings are held every second Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm at the American Legion Hall. Anyone interested in joining the Highland Jaycees may contact the Highland Jaycees website.
Meetings are held every second Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm at the American Legion Hall. Anyone interested in joining the Highland Jaycees may contact the Highland Jaycees website.

Highland Lions Club - The Lions are an international network of 1.3 million men and women in 205 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world. The charitable arm of the Illinois Lions Clubs are dedicated to aiding the blind and visually handicapped, sight conservation and restoration, eye research, aid to the deaf and hearing impaired and hearing services. The Highland Lions Club actively supports these goals through their many fundraisers and service projects. Many community events wouldn’t be complete without the Lion’s bratwurst sales. The Highland Lions Club meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at Michael’s Restaurant. Visit their website for more information.

Highland Masonic Lodge meets in the historic John Wildi Masonic Temple at 721 Ninth Street. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm. To help fund preservation of this historic building, the Masons rent space in their beautiful lodge for special events. For more information call 618-654-1319 or visit their website.
Highland Moose Lodge The Loyal Order of Moose is a fraternal and service organization founded in 1888 with a current membership of nearly one million men. The Moose support the operation of Mooseheart Child City & School, a 1,000-acre community for children and teens in need, located 40 miles west of Chicago; and Moosehaven, a 70-acre retirement community for its members near Jacksonville, FL. Locally, the Moose Club donates many hours and funds to community service.

Highland Optimist Club Optimist International is an association of more than 2,900 Optimist Clubs around the world dedicated to "Bringing Out the Best in Kids." Adult volunteers join Optimist Clubs to conduct positive service projects in their communities aimed at providing a helping hand to youth. With their upbeat attitude, Optimist Club members help empower young people to be the best that they can be.
The Highland Optimist Club is a true friend of youth in our community, working many hours on projects and events to benefit children. The group meets on the first and third Mondays of the month at 6:30 pm at the Highland Country Club.
The Highland Optimist Club is a true friend of youth in our community, working many hours on projects and events to benefit children. The group meets on the first and third Mondays of the month at 6:30 pm at the Highland Country Club.

Highland Pistol & Rifle Club - The Highland Pistol & Rifle Club offers a variety of activities for gun enthusiasts including skeet, pistol, old military and small bore rifle, trap and more. Located at 13312 Bellm Road, the club has an indoor pistol and small bore rifle range and outdoor rifle, trap and skeet shooting ranges. For more information visit their website.

Highland Rotary Club - Organized in January of 1938 and is one of the oldest service clubs in our community. Currently, more than 70 men and women make up the club. The Highland club is committed to “service above self,” aptly exemplifying the club’s national motto. Their main focus is to combine the efforts of individuals in order to make a positive impact in our local and global communities.
The club meets on Tuesdays at noon at Michael’s Restaurant. In addition to the basic club business addressed, typical meetings feature speakers covering an unlimited number of informative topics. For more information, visit their website
The club meets on Tuesdays at noon at Michael’s Restaurant. In addition to the basic club business addressed, typical meetings feature speakers covering an unlimited number of informative topics. For more information, visit their website

The Knights of Columbus is a fraternity of Catholic men dedicated to the principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. Highland Council 1580 was chartered in 1911 and currently boasts a membership of over 600 men from seven area parishes - St. Paul, Highland; St. Gertrude, Grantfork; St. Elizabeth, Marine; Immaculate Conception, Pierron; St. Nicholas, Pocahontas; St. James, St. Jacob; St. Rose, St. Rose. The Council actively supports many causes, including Newman Clubs, Right-to-Life and Vocations.
For more information on the Knights of Columbus or how to become a Knight go to www.highlandkc.org or call 618-654-9049.
For more information on the Knights of Columbus or how to become a Knight go to www.highlandkc.org or call 618-654-9049.

Stewards of Hope International is a philanthropic organization founded in Highland in 2008. Their objective is to encourage support of people in need through prayer, improved awareness and fundraising. Efforts are currently focused on providing for the needs of orphaned children in Venezuela-Operation Elba’s Orphans. The group also works locally with the Highland Area Christian Service Ministry to aid the poor in our area.
For more information, e-mail [email protected].
For more information, e-mail [email protected].